Flexible & customized for your needs

Customized image processing solutions

Quality control & automation with Image processing.

Our customers often find that the standard solutions available on the market do not deliver satisfactory results, if at all.

This is usually the point at which companies turn to WESTCAM Technologies with confidence in order to have individualized solutions developed and implemented.

Contact us and challenge our experts to develop a solution for you too.

This might also interest you:

Our customers often find that the standard solutions available on the market do not deliver satisfactory results, if at all.

How does it work?

1. we listen to you      

Initial contact with a description of the problem

2. you can trust us   

Signing a non-disclosure agreement

3. we are very interested

You send us sample components, error sample catalog and image material

4. free of charge for you

We carry out an initial technical feasibility analysis

5 We take your request very seriously

We present the results, a rough concept and, in some cases, a target price in a joint meeting

6 Technical feasibility analysis

The costs for this are largely credited to a project

7. our KnowWoW for your solution

Project commissioning and implementation

8 We take time for you

Contact us today

Gladly there for you

Harald Unterrainer
CEO WESTCAM Technologies GmbH