The Ö3 Christmas miracle crib

WESTCAM helps Ö3 presenter Gabi Hiller with the “Wichtln” for Robert Kratky & Andi Knoll. In the end, the campaign raises € 4,846 for the Ö3 emergency aid fund for Licht ins Dunkel.

The idea

It’s already a nice tradition that the three presenters of the Ö3 Christmas miracle surprise each other with a Secret Santa gift. Gabi Hiller catches the eye of our DESIGN-KRIPPE | Baroque meets high-tech and asks WESTCAM if we can help her with the 2019 Secret Santa gift for Robert Kratky & Andi Knoll. No sooner said than done. Done. Of course, WESTCAM is happy to do this and comes up with something very special with Gabi for the benefit of Licht ins Dunkel.

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The creative animal nativity scene

There are three main roles in this nativity scene: An ox, a donkey and an angel. The nativity figures are embodied by ox Robert Kratky, donkey Andi Knoll and the cheeky and charming “angel of innocence” Gabi Hiller.

3D scanning & 3D printing makes it possible

Under the pretext that the Ö3 social media department wanted to try out a new tool using 3D scanning, the three presenters were invited to a “photo shoot”. Harald Spiegel from WESTCAM asked Robert, Andi and Gabi to stand in front of the “3D camera” at the Ö3-Stutdio Heiligenstadt in Vienna. Using a handheld 3D scanner from Artec, the three Ö3 heads and their color information were captured with high precision and projected into the digital world.

The captured data was then merged with the digital animal bodies and the angel body using haptic 3D design software. The result was two stable mates from head to hoof or foot, including the Christmas angel. Before production, modern rendering programs allow the nativity scene to be brought to life on the monitor. A 3D printer creates the models with color and geometry in plaster so that the work can also be handed over to the extras.

he ceremonial handover at the Ö3 Wunschhütte in Villach on 21.12.2019: Gabi Hiller & Andi Knoll (Radio Ö3) with Wilfried Schratzer, Günter Oberacher & Harald Spiegl from WESTCAM

WESTCAM raises a total of € 4,846 for a good cause with Ö3

Unbelievably, the Secret Santa gift from Gabi Hiller to her two colleagues Andi Knoll and Robert Kratky was not only a great surprise, but also raised a lot of money for the emergency aid fund. At the live auction in front of the Ö3-Wunschhütte, Hermann Raichinger from Ottnag am Hausruck bought the second set for € 2,846.

I have registered my interest in another set: As a souvenir of the Ö3 Christmas miracle. WESTCAM has agreed to provide the city of Villach with a third set of nativity figures from the 3D printer free of charge if they make a donation to Licht ins Dunkel in return for the grand finale. No sooner said than done. The city of Villach crowned the Ö3 Christmas miracle with a donation of € 2,000.

“Christmas Angel Gabi Hiller” and Joe Presslinger (Villach City Marketing) at the ceremonial handover by Wilfried Schratzer from WESTCAM

In total, the two WESTCAM-Ö3 Christmas miracle cribs raised € 4,846 for people in need.

From the idea to the finished crib

Here you can follow the exciting story of the creation of the Ö3 Christmas miracle crib step by step:

Have a good start to the new year 2020!