Support & Service

CAD, construction

  • CAD(Computer Aided Design)
  • Construction (lat. con “together with” and struere “to build”)

Our CAD support team will be happy to answer your questions with their many years of expertise.

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    Zustimmung Hotline Vertrag (siehe unten)*


    Gladly there for you

    AUTODESK: AutoCAD, Inventor, Fusion, Moldflow, Netfabb, PDM-Collection

    Monday – Thursday
    08.00 – 12.00
    13.00 – 17.00

    08.00 – 12.00 h

    Professional support



    • with hotline contract: Free support
    • without a hotline contract: costs per quarter of an hour or part thereof according to the hotline contract.


    Further information on the Autodesk maintenance contract and Autodesk Subscription.

    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    Wie kann ich meine Moldflow-Lizenz verwalten?

    Since version 2023 (Insight and Adviser), there are also NU licenses. Therefore, if not already taken into account during installation, the correct expansion level must be assigned once on each client via the License Configuration Tool, or whether it is an NU license or a network license; in the case of the latter, the server and the server type must also be assigned.