Competence: CAM, CNC

  • Solidworks Integration

    Seamless CAM programming thanks to established CAD integration of SOLIDWORKS in hyperMILL.

  • PEPS Wire EDM

    Developed in collaboration with leading machine manufacturers. Tailor-made functions for the best possible results.

  • Milling

    Milling made easy! Globally established CAM software solutions for fast and precise machining – WESTCAM service included!

  • hyperMILL 2.5D milling

    2.5D machining with hyperMILL: Program complex geometries quickly and easily.


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  • PEPS Drahterodieren | Basic

    LernInhalte Während der mehrtägigen Basisschulung erlernen Sie den grundlegenden Umgang mit der Software PEPS, beginnend mit der Benutzeroberfläche bis hin zu Tipps & Tricks rund um den täglichen Einsatz. Sämtliche Seminarinhalte werden anhand von praktischen Beispielen vermittelt. Kursinhalte CAD-Funktionen CAM-Programmierung WIRE-Expert Termine Trainings Gerne für Sie da Überblick Trainings

  • Automation Center Basic

    The flexible modular system for basic CAM automation processes. Next Step: Automation Center Advanced.

  • Inventor Integration

    The powerful CAD integration between Autodesk Inventor and hyperMILL for optimized CAM processes.


    OPTICAM offers an integrated solution for wire EDM in hyperMILL, SolidWorks and Siemens NX for easy programming.

  • High-Performance Turning

    Reduce machining time and extend tool life for turning thanks to innovative technology.