Discover in our webinar series how your CAM programming can be standardized to minimize errors and save time. The dates: 7.2., 21.2., 7.3., 21.3, 4.4, 25.4.2025
Our CAM experts will guide you through key technologies such as feature and macro technology, the tool database, the Automation Center and Virtual Tool. With practical live demos and helpful tips, you will learn how to get the most out of hyperMILLand the steps you need to take to achieve automated CAM programming.
Join us and get started in a future-oriented programming world! At each webinar, we present a technology for around 30 minutes and show how it works in practice.
Target group
CAM/CNC software users who want to make their work easier with automation.
CNC basic knowledge. Online registration to receive the ZOOM access data
Program schedule
Part 1: Theoretical knowledge
The theoretical basis explained briefly and crisply
Part 2: Practical application
How theory works in day-to-day practice: examples from everyday life
Part 3: Questions & Answers
How can we use this in our company? Is this and that possible? Where should we start? …
Easily implement small automation projects yourself
- Introduction to Automation Center Basic: functions and benefits
- Definition and standardization of process steps with the “modular system”
- Differences between Basic and Advanced at a glance
- Live demo: Application of the Automation Center Basic