The free software solution from ZEISS


As an interesting alternative to the full versions, ZEISS INSPECT free offers powerful functions without any license costs.

Powerful and intuitive reporting functionalities for documentation and data transfer are available in all three software versions.

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Optical 3D Free

With ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D Free, 3D scan data from any measuring system can be opened and compared with 3D CAD data to check dimensional accuracy.

The tool also offers many options for network editing and visualization.

X-Ray Free

With ZEISS INSPECT X-Ray Free, volume data from any CT scanner can be opened. A variety of functions enable intuitive visualization and analysis of the data.

Correlate Free

With ZEISS INSPECT Correlate Free, 2D image series can be opened and analyzed. This allows displacements and strains to be elegantly evaluated.

Gladly there for you

René Krösbacher
Leitung Automation Messtechnik & Engineering