Training Event Details

01.01.1970 until 01.01.1970

Mils – Tirol (AT)

Target group

Machine operating expert; process technician


Basic technical knowledge: Electrics, pneumatics, PC operation, sensor technology, mechanics

Advantageous: Basic knowledge of camera technology terminology

Learning content

Software and hardware training

Practical learning method -> direct training on the machine

  • In-depth insight into the physical handling process step by step
  • Basic knowledge of robots
  • Basic camera knowledge
  • Plug in Manager
  • Introduction to the software à Introduction to the Grip Planning software
  • Functional structure tree Gripplanning
  • General program operation (GUI) Gripplanning
  • Preprocessing of STL data (how the user must be provided with geometry data)
  • Image Save Mode
  • SpeedLevel
  • “Hands on” grip file creation for teeth
  • “Hands on” test runs on the machine
    Grip point optimization
  • Statistics
  • Assignment of observations to possible causes of errors

Duration: 2 days

Claudia Würtenberger
Pädagog. Leitung, Trainings Dental & Bildverarbeitung



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